Astronomy & Astrophotography

Welcome to astronomy & astrophotography tab. Within the domain of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and potentially hazardous asteroids, I collaborate with ISRO India on both research and policy development. Concurrently, I pursue my passion for astrophotography, capturing the celestial wonders with precision and artistry. Join me on this journey as we explore the cosmos and its intricate mysteries.

In the field of potentially hazardous and near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), the focus is on detecting celestial objects that orbit close to Earth and pose potential risks. This crucial area of astrophysics involves advanced astronomical observation techniques and technologies to identify and track these NEAs. The process includes analyzing their size, composition, orbit, and likelihood of close approaches to Earth. The goal is to catalog these objects and contribute to planetary defense strategies, providing essential data for early warning systems. This research is vital for understanding the dynamics of these asteroids and developing measures to mitigate any potential impact threats, thereby ensuring the safety and preparedness of our planet.

The work involves a significant engagement with the EMPOL (Electron Multiplying Polarimeter) device at the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL). This advanced instrument is pivotal in studying various astrophysical phenomena, particularly in the realm of high-energy astrophysics. By utilizing the EMPOL device, intricate observations and measurements are made possible, enabling a deeper understanding of cosmic events and objects.

Additionally, a key aspect of this role extends to the development of space policy. This involves a comprehensive analysis of current space research trends, technologies, and their implications, both scientifically and socio-politically. The aim is to contribute to the formulation of policies that guide space exploration and research, ensuring they align with broader scientific objectives and ethical considerations. This work in space policy development plays a crucial role in shaping the future direction of space research and exploration, emphasizing responsible and sustainable approaches to space science.

Furthermore, if you would like to see the recent updates on my astrophotography, you can join me on instagram.